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Adkins Life Skills Program: Career Development Series - The Proven Program for
Getting a Job and Building a Career

What is the Adkins Program?

The Adkins Life Skills Program: Career Development Series, now in its third edition, is an innovative multimedia, group, employability, learning program developed at Columbia University specifically for economically disadvantaged and under-served adults and youth. There is now also a Spanish Language Version.

The Adkins Program does what other programs often neglect: It systematically and sensitively enlists clients in discovering their strengths and taking responsibility for their own development and employment. As one client said: " What I like about this program is the subject is me---learning what I want to do, what jobs I could get and what I need to do to get them."

How Does it Work?

It helps clients make informed, short term, job choices and/or long term career plans. It deals systematically with the underlying motives, attitudes, values and behaviors that are desired by employers and lead to successful lifelong employment.

It uses engaging video, audio and print-based learning activities and innovative group action-counseling/teaching methods to change attitudes and behavior.

What Are the Outcomes?

Research shows the results: clients participate actively and find the process very satisfying. Their self-esteem increases as they see themselves succeed. They attend regularly. They get and retain jobs that lead to permanent employment and career advancement.

For the past 31 years, the Adkins Career Program has helped over 2 million adults and youth, in 2100 agencies, in 45 states, to learn to become employable and employed.

Ask us how the Adkins Program helps to increase Family Self-Sufficiency. The Adkins Program meets WIA,
WIB Planning and TANF guidelines.

Staff Training is an important part of our program. Learn More


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The Adkins Life Skills Program consists of ten multimedia units, with: video, audio, print materials, group and individual exercises, and staff training.