The Adkins Program helps clients make informed employment/career choices, to
which they become committed. These choices motivate them to take full
advantage of the educational programs and services in the One-Stop and
become better prepared for work. As a result, their attendance in literacy,
English Language and other programs in a One-Stop dramatically increases.
As the flow chart below indicates, a quality career choice up front helps
clients and staff organize the client's program logically. Clients attend
regularly, complete training, get and retain their jobs because of the
increased motivation and satisfaction.
Career Development Organizational Model
Strengthening Client Motivation with the Adkins Program
If we are going to invest in client training with expensive vouchers,
shouldn't we make sure that they're making informed occupational choices
that are right for them-choices they can stick with?
Research shows that clients who have made informed career choices, based on
good self and occupational knowledge are more highly motivated and more
successful in completing training, getting jobs and staying employed. They
are also more satisfied than those who have not given systematic thought to
their future options.
Reducing Fragmentation of Services
One goal of the Workforce Investment Act and the establishment of One-Stops
is reducing the fragmentation of services to clients. The Adkins Program,
given to clients at orientation and throughout the client's training, can
help to provide truly integrated employment services to unemployed and
underemployed adults and youth.
The Adkins Program helps clients make informed employment/career choices, to which they become committed. These choices motivate them to take full advantage of the educational programs and services in the One-Stop and become better prepared for work. As a result, their attendance in literacy, English Language and other programs in a One Stop dramatically increases. Clients who have career plans and who are goal-directed can take full advantage of the multiple opportunities for learning and services (occupational training, educational programs, employment opportunities etc.) available at One-Stop Centers.
There is a tendency on the part of some agencies to help make choices for people instead of helping them to make their own choices. Research shows that people are motivated to pursue choices they themselves make far more than choices made for them.
It has always been difficult to help clients who lack experience in making employment/career choices. These clients also tend to lack knowledge of their interests, abilities, values and personality, as well as the world of work. Agency staff that use the carefully constructed Adkins Program find it easier and more satisfying to help clients make good personal and career choices.
The Adkins Program:
- is based on solid career development theory
- involves good use of teaching/learning methods
- has hundreds of well constructed, interesting learning activities
- is organized in a 4 stage structured learning process
- has a popular and practical accompanying staff training program
- is useable as a system when offered at multiple sites
The Adkins Program has been used effectively at all levels of service---core, intensive and training---for those who are job/career ready and self-directed, for those who need some help with motivational, choice and planning issues, and for those who need the most help to become job/career ready.
Adkins Program Results
The attendance rate in Literacy, GED, ESL and Occupational Training programs, (among the major components of One-Stop Centers) goes way up and the drop out rate goes way down for students who are also involved in the Adkins Program. In addition, job placement and job retention rates are high even for hard-to-reach populations.
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Call to find out how the Adkins Program can increase the effectiveness of your agency today.